Monday, 11 August 2014

Why I'm Challenging Prince George To A Fight

Late last night I got a phone call from Prince George. I think he'd been on the port. He was giving it large. As you can guess, I'm not easily intimidated but he was trying his best.
Euston, you worthless sack of shit,” he starts, “I've only just turned one and I'm already richer than you are, you loser.”
You don't really expect this sort of behaviour from a future monarch. Or, then again, maybe you do. 
And I'm going to stay richer than you and I don't have to do a single day's work in my entire life, you proletariat tossball. And I've already got a crown an' all. So stick that up your hoop.”
I tried to remain respectful. I've always had a lot of time for the royal family, especially when they manage to pull off that air of overbearing superiority without possessing a single talent of any kind. That takes some doing. But Prince George was going too far. I collapsed.
Yes, I accept,” I said.
Accept what, you bin-faced wanksplat?”
Your challenge of a duel. I accept.”
He went quiet. I heard him gulp. And then he replied in a measured tone.
Alright, 10 am, Wimbledon Common, this Friday.”
Fair enough,” I said coolly. “But no toy guns. I seriously want to kill you to death.”
Then he started crying and calling for his mum. I heard a loud slap followed by silence and then Kate appeared on the phone.
Don't worry, Euston”, she said. “He'll be there. Oh, and Euston?”
Yes,” I replied.
Please do your best. We're sick of the little fuck.”
So that should be fun.

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